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Viettel trien khai CTKM Ca chua xanh


New Member
[QC] Viettel trien khai CTKM Ca chua xanh: Tu 31/10/2012, Quy khach duoc tang 100 tin nhan noi mang va giam cuoc goi noi mang con 200d/phut chi voi 3000d/lan dang ky. Soan DKG gui 109 (100d/tin) de dang ky (tu 0h - 23h) va su dung den 24h hang ngay. KM chi ap dung voi cac thue bao nhan duoc tin nhan. L/H: 19008198. Tu choi tin 199, soan TC gui 199.
KM chi ap dung voi cac thue bao nhan duoc tin nhan. thi post len lam gi.
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